What Scent Keeps Bed Bugs Away?

Aromatherapy is not entirely new. It may be new to you, but individuals and entomologists have been experimenting with specific oils for a number of years now. Some people have found that certain scents can help ease pain symptoms. Some essential oils are believed to relieve anxiety and depression. Some essential oils may reduce stress … Read more

Tips To Avoid Bed Bed Bugs While Traveling

Thinking about getting back on the road now that the COVID regulations are letting up a bit? You are not the only one, as many families alike across the United States are traveling far and wide. It must have been the months of isolation that made some people realize they were missing out. Whatever the … Read more

How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding

Bed bugs are not only quick-witted pests with the ability to hide among everyday items, but they possess an innate ability to hitchhike. They can latch right onto your shoes or clothing and ride for miles and miles, right back to your residence. You combine all this with their slim credit card profiles, and it … Read more

How Does Your Exterminator Check For Bed Bugs?

A bed bug infestation is one of the hardest infestations to detect. Unfortunately, the infestation is harder to identify during the earliest stages. One of the main reasons for this is because these bugs go out of their way to avoid detection. Just like a rat will sidestep traps, a bed bug will take things … Read more

Best Mattress Covers For Stopping Bed Bugs

Ask any pest control expert what is the bed bug’s favorite hiding place. The answer will be the same across the board. Bed bugs feel the need to be in close proximity to their host. To achieve this, the insect takes refuge in the host’s mattress. Think about it, the mattress is also the host’s … Read more