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The termite is a pest that must be taken seriously. While ladybug or cockroach infestations are not desirable, the insects do not cause structural damage like the termite. However, the cockroach does carry and transmit diseases, but as far as structural damage goes, they pose no threat. This is not the case with termites, which is one of the main reasons you’ll want to jump on the infestation as quickly as possible. They do not, however, pose you or your family a direct physical threat, but they can potentially cause harm. All in all, you do not want a termite infestation lingering. And, to attack the problem with the utmost efficiency there are things you will need to know about the pest.

  • To start, termites are extremely social creatures, meaning where there is one, there will be many. They live in large groups, work together, eat together, and work towards one common goal.
  • Termites are highly known for destroying wood, but it isn’t the wood they are after. It’s the cellulose in the wood that the termites are after.
  • This cellulose can be found in a variety of options other than wood. It can be found in cotton fibers, paper, cardboard, furniture, and a whole host of other materials.
  • If you see a mound this is not the primary residence of the termite. It just means that the primary residence has grown so large that they have resulted in building mounds. Termites usually try to build their primary colonies deep underground, where they will remain undetected by the human eye.
  • There are some termites that burrow into wood and build shelters. Some termites even build mud tubes on wooden structures. These are usually secondary colonies constructed after the primary colony has reached its full potential size.
  • There are nearly 2,000 species of termites in the world, but it is only the Subterranean termite that is known for causing damage. They do 95% of the $2 billion reported damage yearly in the United States.

The Queen Primary Reproductive

Each termite colony is divided into what are known as castes. These castes consist of different members, assigned to different specific tasks. Understanding these castes, their members, and their specific jobs within the colony will give you an overall better understanding of the termite world. Here’s what you need to know about the queen primary reproductive member:

  • There will only be one queen in a termite colony. She is by far the largest member of the entire colony. Some queens have the potential to grow to be nearly under 4 inches long. However, this is quite large for a termite.
  • The queen is so big for the colony that if she needs to be moved, it usually requires the cooperation of hundreds of worker termites to complete the task,
  • The queen’s main job is to lay eggs for the colony until there are enough workers and nymphs to carry on the task.
  • A queen can live for nearly 10 years and produce 30,000 eggs in a single day if properly cared for.

The King Primary Reproductive

  • It goes without saying that the king’s primary responsibility is to assist the queen in any way he can.
  • The king will continue to mate throughout the life and existence of the termite colony to help increase the size. At some point, the queen will stop reproducing. This will not be the case for the king. He will continue mating throughout his life.

Worker Termites

  • These pests earn their name, as they work 24/7 within the termite colony.
  • They can grow to be about 10 millimeters in length, which amounts to about the grain of rice.
  • Their primary responsibilities are to dig and maintain tunnels, care for the eggs, forage for food, and feed and groom the other members.

Soldier Termites

  • These termites are white, soft-bodied, and do not grow wings.
  • They have long heads with extremely powerful jaws that can be effectively used as weapons to fend against oncoming threats.
  • The number one invader for the termite colony is the ant.

Winged Reproductive

  • Both of these members can be male and female.
  • It is these members’ responsibility to leave the colony and develop new colonies. This is part of the reason they grow wings, so they’ll possess the ability to fly away and find new housing,
  • While there are only 1 king and 1 queen in a termite colony, there will be hundreds of winged reproductive members.

Know The Differences Between The Flying Ant And The Flying Termite

Believe it or not, the flying ant and flying termite are frequently misidentified. While they do look similar in appearance, their characteristics and behaviors are different. Here’s what you need to know to help you distinguish between the two creatures:

  • Both have front and back wings, but the flying termite’s wing sets are equal in size. The front wings of the flying ant are longer than the back pair.
  • The flying ant’s wings cannot easily be broken off, whereas the flying termite’s wings can easily be snapped right off.
  • The flying termite has a thick and less defined waist, while the flying ant’s waist is narrow and pinched.
  • Both have antennae, but the flying ants are elbowed, while the termites are straight.

Other Noted Things About The Termite

You’ve learned a lot about termites that will help with elimination. However, what you’ve learned so far is not everything you need to know. Unfortunately, it’s just the very tip of the iceberg. Here are some other interesting and pertinent things you need to know about the termite:

  • A colony is always working. They are going 24/7, 365.
  • A termite colony, if properly cared for and tended for can last anywhere from 50 to 70 years.
  • Average termite colonies in the United States can consist of as many as 500,000 members.
  • Some people say that termites provide a valuable service in forests by breaking down rotting wood and turning it into usable soil.
  • Termites must have a constant supply of water, otherwise, they will dehydrate out and die.
  • When colonies are constructed above ground termites have to maintain mud tunnels or tubes and keep them saturated with water from the ground.
  • The main predator of the termite is the ant, and the ant can attack a given colony at any time.
  • You can eventually eliminate termites from a property completely.
  • While there are 2,000 species of termites around the world, most of these species are partial to tropical and subtropical climates.
  • Termites could eat through concrete if they wanted to, however, they will choose not to do so.
  • Despite their propensity for immense structural damage, these critters are extremely feeble. They can easily be overpowered by other insects.
  • Only the worker termite can chew cellulose, and that’s why it is their job to feed the other members of the colony.

How Are Termites Dangerous?

Termites are not known to bite humans or transmit diseases, but that doesn’t mean they don’t pose you a physical direct. They could potentially damage a structure to the point of collapse, and when you walk in, it collapses. They could damage a structure and cause it to collapse on you.

How Can I Get Rid Of Termites Myself?

As was mentioned earlier, it is entirely possible to remove a termite infestation from a piece of property. However, this will not be an easy task, and one of the reasons for this is because these creatures build their primary colonies underground, away from the property. The colony is usually 300 feet away from the structure with thousands of tunnels leading in and out of the property. It just takes missing one termite or failing to collapse one tunnel and the infestation will linger on, allowing the termites to return.

If termites are not eliminated on first treatment it will likely just spread the infestation further from the property. At the very least, they’ll just rebuild and you’ll have to go through this entire process again. This is why it is best to bring in the pros as soon as possible.

When Can You Get Here?

Termites are, have been, and will likely always be a major threat in New York City but fear not! We are a diverse pest management firm with a wide arsenal. We not only handle termites with traditional methods, but we utilize today’s cutting-edge technology to detect and eliminate these pests in the most effective ways possible. Give us a call, set up an appointment, and we’ll get an assessor out to the property within the next 24 to 48 hours. That being said, we do offer and have emergency techs standing by if and when they are needed. All you have to do is give us a call!

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.
