New Yorkers might be a tough bunch, but the bed bug has proven to be as hard-headed. Any New Yorker that’s ever battled this unique pest will tell you that’s why it’s always best to have more than one plan of attack in your toolbox. Since the first may not work, you need to assemble multiple solutions.
In addition to the standard chemical and pesticides treatment, New York City residents can now begin taking advantage of the innovative heat treatment. This is a new type of pest treatment that is quickly becoming popular among experts and consumers. This is likely because it is proving to be one of the most effective solutions available today. Just remember that the treatment has to be applied correctly to guarantee satisfactory results.
What Are Heat Treatments And How Do They Work?
You can probably gather from the name that heat treatments involve the utilization of some kind of heat. If you assumed this, you would be correct. These treatments use thermal heat that is somewhat similar to the heat produced by your HVAC system. It involves bringing specialized equipment into the home to raise the temperature.
There are numerous benefits provided by eco-friendly heat treatments. However, the most notable is the fact that it’ll treat the entire home at once. Our heat treatments can treat everywhere, including under your beds, in your closets, behind the baseboards, and in electrical outlets. Bed bugs will not be able to hide from the heat. When bugs are exposed to temperatures of 140 degrees or greater for 90 minutes or more, they will wither up and die.
Although the method is indeed simple, it remains one of the best tools we have to use against bedbugs.
Properly Monitoring And Maintaining The Heat On The Property
There is simply no denying that heat treatments are one of the most effective options available today. To be effective, the heat treatment has to be administered correctly. Otherwise, the temperatures will fluctuate and the pests will survive. As a result, a lot of people have come to believe that the treatment is ineffective.
Or at least, not as effective as most experts claim. The key to successful treatment is consistency. The professional exterminator must maintain 140 degrees F for 90 minutes or greater. If there are too many fluctuations, the results are going to vary. Our technicians are trained to follow precise protocols and fix the problem swiftly.
We install these thermostats in conjunction with our heat machines, allowing us to monitor and maintain the temperatures in the home. At the very second of a fluctuation, the sensor will send out an alarm and our techs can rush in and make the necessary adjustments. If applied right, for the right length of time, this treatment will eliminate all bed bugs in the hiding spots.
What makes the treatment even better is that it kills bugs in all stages. Eggs, larvae, casings, nymphs, or adults, it’ll make quick work of all these creatures.
Evacuating Your Home
The only possible negative aspect of the heat treatment is that the property will have to be evacuated during the procedure. Indeed, people do sit in saunas registered for these temperatures, but they are only exposed for a short duration. With the steam treatments, you would be exposed to these extreme temperatures for nearly 90 minutes or longer. Although it may not cause any problems, it could. Therefore, we think it is best to ask out clients to stay out of the home until we’ve finished.
Some heat-sensitive items might have to be removed before treatment, but there are all things that our techs can handle before beginning. Whatever needs to be done, you can rest assured that our techs will take care of it, and we’ll make sure we eradicate your pests with the utmost efficiency. When you’re ready to begin, contact our New York City office and we’ll help you schedule an appointment.
About Our Bed Bug Thermal Heat Treatments
At one point in time, it was believed that bedbugs were completely eliminated and that they would no longer be a problem for humans. This wasn’t true. Now, people are beginning to realize that bedbugs were far more resilient than they could have ever known. Bed bugs have reemerged and they’ve evolved to make them far more difficult to eradicate. Our team has found a handful of solutions that are safe and effective. If you’re worried about using dangerous chemicals in your home, you’ll be happy to know that you do not need to do so. Thermal heat treatments are your best bet and you’ll find out why below.
What Is It?
First and foremost, you should learn about the basics of thermal heat treatments. The truth of the matter is that thermal heat is pretty basic. As the name suggests, this method uses heat to increase the temperature of your home. This can easily kill each and every bedbug in the home. It is one of the safest and most effective solutions out there for eradicating bedbugs.
Our Process
Now, you should learn how the process actually works. When you’ve agreed to work with us, a technician will be sent to your home. You’ll be required to leave for a few hours. The technician will set up high-tech heat machines in your home. Then, they’ll turn them on. Within a matter of minutes, your home’s temperature will soar above 140 degrees. Bedbugs cannot tolerate this type of heat. Unless they’re able to escape from your home, they’re going to be eliminated completely. Plus, heat is going to be able to reach the bedbugs hiding in the smallest corners and crevices. This increases the likelihood that the bugs will be gone for good.
We sincerely believe that heat is one of the very best ways to kill bedbugs. This solution is very effective and it offers a wealth of benefits that may not be available with the alternatives. Heat is not going to put anyone in harm’s way. While you will be required to remain outside of the home for a short period, the heat isn’t going to be dangerous for you, your kids, your spouse or your pets. It is completely safe. If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to eliminate your bedbug problem, you’ll definitely want to think about using heat! We’re got the solution that you are after.
What You Need To Do
Many homeowners will be interested in knowing what they have to do. The truth of the matter is that you will need to do very little. Our technicians will be able to handle pretty much everything. First and foremost, you need to give us a call. We can answer any and all questions that you may have. We will also explain how you can prepare for our arrival. We promise that the process is lightning fast and very convenient. In all likelihood, you won’t have to worry about lifting a finger. Our team will do everything! If you reside in Manhattan, Long Island or any surrounding area, you should not hesitate to get in touch with us.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.